Cooke Canyon Rental: FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions About the Rental

Q: Are pets allowed?
A: Many of our tenants of our rental have had pets. You must consider, this home is in the wilderness. Dogs and cats can and have fallen victim to predators. Individual pets do need to be approved by us.

Q: Can we have horses or cattle?
A: The home sits on un-irrigated range forest land. There are no provisions for horses or cattle. (loafing sheds, watering troughs, etc.) We have spent over 20 years helping this land to recover from over grazing. Sorry, we do not allow horses or cattle.

Q: Do we need 4 wheel drive to get in and out during the winter?
A: The last 200 feet of the driveway is moderately steep. We plow out the last 3/4 mile of road and drive to this rental. Barrels of traction sand are provided on the steepest portion of the drive. All or 4 wheel drive is recommended but not required. Our rental contract specifically excludes snowplowing. However, we have provided this service in the past. We simply want to have the ability to take a winter vacation without a plowing obligation.

Q: How much land is there?
A: The home sits on a twenty acre parcel of land.

Q: What is the quality of the water and pressure?
A: The water comes from a 200 foot deep well over 1000 feet away. There is a pressure booster pump under the rental home that provides steady water pressure at about 50 PSI. The quality of the water is excellent.

Q: Is there a garage or shed?
A: There is a 8' X 14' storage shed. There is no garage.

Q: What is the size of the home in square feet?
A: Approximately 1400 square feet.

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